The Marmot
The latest news about the Comox Valley and Mount Washington. Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, rural, waterfront, whatever the choice, we can help you find what you are looking for.
Winter / Spring 2001/02 Issue
The Road May Be Paved From The Top To Bottom… by Julia Perrie
But don’t Let A Lack of Road Safety Common Sense Ruin Your Ski Getaway
The Greening of Mt.Washington
There’s an awful lot of green at Mt. Washington these days – environmentally sensitive green, that is.
2010 Olymics at Mt.Washington
Hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler would generate $2.8 billion in economic activity for B.C., according to Premier Gordon Campbell. And Mt. Washington wants a piece of the action.
Mt. Washington Special Events
This winter Mt.Washington is hosting special events all winter long; from the romantic to the ridiculous, from competitive to just plain fun! Check out the events below and join in the fun!
A new style of skiing is about to hit Mt. Washington… Freestyle Skiing
With new gear like twin tips, fat and shaped skis; with terrain parks and the influence of snowboarders, young people are flocking back to skiing.
Crown Isle – The Jewel in the Comox Valley!
Crown Isle’s 40,000 sq. ft. Clubhouse overlooks the 18th fairway and the spectacular Comox Glacier
Play safe and enjoy your visit to Mt. Washington by Julia Perrie
Spring break at Mt.Washington had been a glorious holiday for the family. Sunshine washed the slopes every day and the snow was deep and rich. Six-year-old Lesley had just completed her second week of ski lessons and was eager to try a challenge…
Introducing Mt.Washington’s Three Marketeers (or Three Stooges?)
The 3 Marketeers are Chris Hounsell, Van Eyke Olivier & Dave Hampshire. All for one and one for all!
Mt. Washington Local Area Plan Passes Unanimoulsy
A significant step toward the future development of Mt. Washington was achieved in October, when the Regional District of Comox-Strathcona unanimously passed the Mt. Washington Local Area Plan.