Mt. Washington came “this close” to hosting an episode of The Mole for Swedish television. But the ski resort eventually lost out to a rodeo clip that was filmed at Norwood‚s rodeo facilities. “They were talking about putting people on the top of Mt. Washington for an overnight,” says director of resort services Don Sharpe. “Something like they would drop them on the mountain with a backpack and they would have to hike -but it didn‚t work out.” Sharpe said it wasn‚t the first call that the picturesque alpine resort has received, and it won‚t be the last. “We get a lot of calls like that? once or twice a month, people phone wanting to film up here,” Sharpe said. Other calls have been coming from para-sailers anxious to tame the towering peak. Sharpe fielded so many requests that “I finally came to the decision that I‚m going to wait a year and establish a safety area.” Sharpe is working with the Vancouver Island chapter of the Hang Gliding and Para-Gliding Association to work out fly and no-fly zones, and to determine how dangerous it would be to para-sail from the summit. “My understanding is we‚re an adventure zone because we have the wind around here,” he said.
Swedish television
Swedish television is proud to present, our latest star, Mt. Washington Resort!