TIRES: Four good winter tread tires are best, all season radials are not generally adequate for winter driving conditions in high snow fall regions. Drivers should also ensure their spare tire is inflated to the correct pressure and the tools required to change a flat are complete and in good working order.
CHAINS: During conditions that demand the use of tire chains it is very important that they are installed in one of the roadside chain up areas, which were named and clearly marked last summer. If you find yourself having to mount chains at the side of the road or on slippery hills try to pull off to the side as far as possible.
FUEL: Be sure you have adequate fuel in the tank in case of delays during your trip. There is no fuel outlet at the Resort.
Dress for winter weather conditions and carry an extra blanket in the vehicle.
• Emcon Highway Services (24 Hour automated, Road Hazard and Condition Reporting line): 1-866-353-3136.
• BC Government, 1-800-550-4997 or visit their website www.drivebc.ca
• RCMP Highway Patrol: 1-250-286-5609
Hydro: During possible power interruptions the use of flashlights or other battery powered lights are highly recommended rather than candles, which despite being cosier and possibly even romantic are a fire hazard and great care should be taken when used.
• If you come across downed power lines or sagging, heavily laden lines that may be within reach or are in danger of collapsing stay at least 10 meters away and notify BC Hydro at 1-888-769-3766 or HYDRO (49376) on your cell phone.
Fire: We are currently taking first steps toward establishing a Volunteer Fire Department at the Resort but for now it is imperative that we all act as Fire Prevention Officers.
A few simple preventative measures are:
• Check that extinguishers are charged and in good working order.
• Ensure smoke alarms and heat detectors work and install new batteries.
• Have hoses and fire suppression systems inspected and tested annually.
• If a wood burning device exists, have the chimney cleaned and inspected.
• Dispose of fireplace ash outside in a fireproof container and only once it’s completely extinguished and cold.