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The latest news about the Comox Valley and Mount Washington. Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, rural, waterfront, whatever the choice, we can help you find what you are looking for.

Decoding Comox Valley Real Estate: Unraveling Local Market Trends

Decoding Comox Valley Real Estate: Unraveling Local Market Trends

Are you considering planting roots in the breathtaking Comox Valley? Or perhaps you’re already a resident looking to delve deeper into the local real estate scene? Wherever you stand, comprehending the trends shaping the housing market can be instrumental.

Kate Dodd In Profile

Kate Dodd In Profile

Every five years during her adult life, Kate Dodd has switched jobs. Until she joined the staff at Mount Washington Alpine Resort, that is.

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2019 In Review

2019 In Review

Mother Nature may not have had a great summer, but Mount Washington Alpine Resort did!