The Marmot

The latest news about the Comox Valley and Mount Washington. Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, rural, waterfront, whatever the choice, we can help you find what you are looking for.

Summer 2005 Issue

The View From Here

The View From Here

Too many times we reflect on the past and what we should have done ten years ago. Perhaps these are your thoughts ten years from now as you reflect back on your new purchase at Mount Washington this year.

Strathcona Park Institute Offering Weekend Programs

Strathcona Park Institute Offering Weekend Programs

Weekend visitors to Strathcona will again have the option of taking a guided walk around Paradise Meadows with a Strathcona Park Institute interpretive guide, or let their children take part in some of the new activities planned for the summer.

Major Summer Grooming

Major Summer Grooming

Mount Washington Alpine Resort will spent upwards of $200,000 on summer grooming this year. “We’re proposing giving the mountain a haircut,” Resort President Peter Gibson explained.

Banding Hummingbirds… No Small Task!

Banding Hummingbirds… No Small Task!

High up on the balcony of a chalet in the Alpine Village at Mount Wash-ington, while dawn breaks colorfully over Strathcona Park, Rufus hummingbirds congregate hungrily at a feeder.

Emergency Services

Emergency Services

The emergency services issue is enjoying a new life with the Mount Washington Community Association.