The Marmot

The latest news about the Comox Valley and Mount Washington. Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, rural, waterfront, whatever the choice, we can help you find what you are looking for.

Magic Carpets Require Sasquatch Proofing!

Magic Carpets Require Sasquatch Proofing!

Last winter, groomers became wary every time they had to move snow away from the new Magic Carpet people movers, because they never knew whether a sasquatch had taken refuge in one of them during the night.

Magic Carpets A Big Hit with Beginner Skiers

Magic Carpets A Big Hit with Beginner Skiers

“We would call that a big success,” says Resort Director of Maintenance and Operations, George Trousdell, “the people they were designed to serve really liked them.”

The View From Here

The View From Here

Too many times we reflect on the past and what we should have done ten years ago. Perhaps these are your thoughts ten years from now as you reflect back on your new purchase at Mount Washington this year.

New Home for Podium of Life

New Home for Podium of Life

After two years of operating in the Marmot Den at Mount Washington Alpine Resort, the Podium of Life Snow Sports Academy has found a permanent home.

Mount Washington Snow Sports Clubs

Mount Washington Snow Sports Clubs

Mount Washington Alpine Resort is home to six snow sport clubs and one summer sport (mountain biking) club whose members spend their seasons practicing and competing on their “home” hill.